Thursday, 27 August 2009

Map and some vids

Have admitted defeat that this blog isn´t going to get updated with as many adventures as I would like. Just simply don´t have the time which is a good sign I guess.

In a short summary we travelled up through Colombia and sailed to Panama. Then flew down to the Amazon rainforest where I got fever and did some hallucinating in the jungle. Then another flight and bus journey to the place we are now, which is called Salvador and is on the east coast of Brazil. Fabian joined our travels in Colombia and Lewis is flying out to meet us in a couple of days.

When I was in Panama I made a map of our travels so far.

Added a link on the side panel too --------->

View South America Travels in a larger map

Also got sent some videos by Andrew of our climbing adventures in Peru which are pretty cool



Saturday, 8 August 2009

Lack of bloggage

The blog has taken a dive as we have spent most of our time on buses or busy doing cultural type things.
Have still been jotting down all the awesome stuff that happened and there should be a nice update with pictures coming soon :)
We are currently in Bogota.
